Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology
It is wonderful to see how students, postdocs, staff and faculty of the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology (QCB) have been getting together to (re-)form our community. QCB's departmental seminar are being attended by more attendees than ever before. One attraction of the departmental seminars was our new faculty members, Doc Edge, Geoff Fudenberg, and Jazlyn Mooney. The QBIO undergraduate students had their first get together, and the CBB graduate students will have their annual retreat this weekend at Ventura Beach.
This newsletter highlights our QBIO undergraduate program's alumni who received their white coats as future medical doctors. While the numbers are small for a new program, all QBIO students who applied to medical school were accepted to medical school, and all QBIO students who applied to MD/PhD programs were accepted to MD/PhD programs. Some of our former pre-med QBIO students are now at Caltech, Columbia University, Harvard Medical School, and USC.
In case you missed it, our QCB Department has a new web site.
Remo Rohs, QCB Department Chair
QBIO Alumni White Coat Presentation
QBIO Alumna, Kate Cunningham, received her white coat at Columbia University where she joined the MD/PhD program.
QBIO Alumna, Kate Guion, received her white coat at USC's Keck School of Medicine where she was accepted to medical school.
QBIO Alumnus, Nicholas Markarian, received his white coat at USC's Keck School of Medicine after being accepted to Caltech's and USC's joint MD/PhD program.
QBIO Alumna, Emily Yang, received her white coat at Harvard Medical School to mark the start of her medical school training.
QBIO Students Meet and Greet
The QBIO students had a Meet and Greet where they got to talk to faculty and fellow students.
QCB Faculty
Dr. Steve Kay with research associate, Dr. Meng Qu, published an article in Nature Communications revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying the tissue-specific regulation of circadian physiology by the circadian clock. (Read Article)
Dr. Michael 'Doc' Edge, with computer scientist Jeanna Matthews of Clarkson University, published an article in Trends in Genetics on open practices in science. Edge and Matthews point out that scientific practices can influence high-stakes decisions in other areas, including legal proceedings. (Read Article)
Incoming Gabilan Assistant Professor Jazlyn Mooney received her first federal grant as a PI, an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship aimed at "Understanding the Demographic History of Populations using Identity-by-Descent."
University Professor Emeritus, Dr. Michael Waterman, received the 2021 Lifetime Achievement in Science Award from his alma mater Oregon State University on November 10, 2021.(Read Article) (Speech)
QBIO Students
QBIO Students Jonathan Le, Darius Scott and Jaclyn Ready ran into each other in San Francisco and had a mini-reunion.
QCB Post Docs and CBB Students
Jesse Kreger, Ivy Xiong, and Xiaojun Wu, from the MacLean lab attended the 4th annual symposium on multiscale cell fate (in person!) at UC Irvine. CBB student Xiaojun Wu gave a talk entitled “Single-cell parameter inference of Calcium pathway models."
Priscilla Chan, Ph.D. student and graduate research assistant at the Steve Kay Lab, won 2nd place in the KSOM Office of Research and USC Stem Cell Illustration Competition where she was tasked with translating science into visual art using BioRender software.
Departmental Seminars
QCB Departmental Seminars continue to be back in person with a full house for Dr. Jazlyn Mooney's talk which included several of our newest QBIO undergraduate freshman. Dr. Kanupriya Pande, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory "Iterative methods for complex inverse problems in bio-imaging."
November 18, 2021, 2:00-3:00 p.m., RRI 101
Dr. Andrei Irimia, Assistant Professor of Gerontology, University of Southern California "Quantitative and computational approaches for imaging the aging brain: from injury dynamics to neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease." December 2, 2021, 2:00-3:00 p.m., RRI 101
Upcoming QCB Retreat
The QCB Retreat Committee, made up of faculty, students and staff, is hard at work getting ready for the retreat November 19-20, 2021. Members of the committee are: Brendon Cooper, Yibei Jiang, Tsung-Yu (Tony) Lu, Raktim Mitra, Keon Rabbani, George Wang, Yingfei Wang, Katie Boeck, Ashley Tozzi, Rokas Oginskis, and Remo Rohs.
To see the schedule and abstracts, please click here.
Postdoctoral Positions Open
Postdoctoral positions in 3D genome biology are open in the Fudenberg Research Group ( Katritch lab is accepting postdoctoral applications in structural bioinformatics and drug discovery (
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